I bet you’re all thinking, what big day, is the lockdown going to be lifted, is the world going to end, will they have a cure for Covid. Well it’s none of those although it would be nice if it was all over. Not the world ending.

The big day is my birthday and yes it’s a big one. The big 60 only a month away now. How the hell I have got this far nobody knows but I have. I still have my own teeth my own hair although not a lot at the moment as I decided to get the clippers out and cut it all off in this hot weather. It will grow again. It was Nikki that actually cut it all off, I think she felt obliged to because I said if she didn’t want to do it I would. The last time that happened I ended up looking like someone with alapeacha. I also don’t take any medication, again perhaps I should but then life would not be the same. I would have been working on my birthday thinking what a day to have a big birthday but then it is just another day. This one will be remembered for other reasons.

Life on the campsite is the same although it’s empty and we are not working I still seem to be doing stuff everyday. How would I have managed to do all these jobs if we were working I ask myself. My bird feeder outside the camper window is supplying the birds with some extra food. They can come and go to the feeder as they wish, no queuing or rations.

A pair of blue tits

In the compound I have now built a small patio from some old slabs that were hanging about. Not the best of patios but I did the best with what I had. We had to try it out with a BBQ and some beer and wine when I had finished. It works really well.

Our dining room

The flowers on the campsite are looking good and more are appearing each day. One of my favourites is this Tulip it looks like it’s on fire. Others I don’t know the names of, some are weeds but they are all nice.

The Tulip on fire

Today we booked up some sites for the winter. It will be another winter in the U.K. We need to make sure Mi Mi is all well and because we are furloughed our wages are short for three months and could be even longer depending what’s going to happen with this damn virus. We may even not be able to move around the U.K. only time will tell.

Me and Nikki went for a short walk the other day and on our way back stood and watched some lambs playing and dancing around. They really make me laugh just leaping about and all the time mums got her eye on them

The dancing lambs

So that’s us up to date. The last photo is another favourite of mine. A seeded dandelion head. I remember as a kid (last week) you had to blow them and make a wish. Stay safe out there and go on blow and make a wish. Just don’t spit all over your computer.

Blow and make a wish